Artist Statement

My photography career started when my daughter and I decided to take an evening photography class at the International Center of Photography in New York. After one course I was hooked on photography. I wanted to take photos all the time so I resigned from my full time job at IBM.

My goal was to make photographs that are realistic and others that are the way I imagined them. Everywhere I look I see reflections, in water, windows, vases, etc. The digital darkroom allows me to take the images from my camera to the next level. Some of my images are full of color, while others may be combined black and white with some color.

Movement allows me to blur images. I like to combine several photos together to make collages. To be creative I then need to enhance in the digital darkroom. The end result is that I can visually express emotion in my photographs.

My camera is able to capture several photographs and produce one image. The goal is create something that the eye cannot see at the time I am taking the photograph.

These photographers influenced the way I capture photographs and process them. John Paul Caponigro, who showed me how to capture photographs and then how to improve them in the Digital Darkroom. Seth Resnick, another well-known photographer, has a different approach, in the way that he captures photographs and processes them in the digital darkroom. Dan Burkholder takes photos with his iPhone as well as his camera. He uses iPhone apps to process his iPhone photographs.

I print each image myself and can make them any size you want. My printer takes 44 inch paper as well as 10 inch paper. Some photographs look better small, while others look fantastic in a very large size. I will give you guidance on what photographs to choose based on the size you can use. I use matte, glossy and some unusual papers, e.g. rice paper.

Each photograph is signed and numbered by me.

If you like, I will personally explain to you where the photograph was taken, what time of year it was taken and any other questions you may have.